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작성자 Dwight Benjafie…
댓글 0건 조회 5회 작성일 25-03-04 21:28


Sactosalpinx is a gynecological condition characterized at hand the accumulation of fluid in the lumen of the fallopian tube, leading to a contravention of its patency. It is as a rule diagnosed in patients under 30 years of time eon and ordinarily acts as a root of infertility. Fashion, according to statistics, sactosalpinx is initiate in 7-28% of women who cannot get pregnant. The pathology all but without exception occurs as a difficulty of another gynecological contagion, at the start of an transmissible and provocative nature.

Causes of sactosalpinx
Increase of serous running in the fallopian tubes occurs in the companionship of obstacles that restrain its routine outflow. These may incorporate:

Adhesions caused near long-standing inflammation (salpingitis, salpingo-oophoritis), sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.), as kindly as ample to invasive diagnostic manipulations and surgical interventions on the genitals.
Endometriosis. Endometriotic growths brick the lumen of the fallopian tube and cause increased moulding of mucous secretions. Along with this, from stretch to many times, rejected tissues and blood may upon the lumen of the fallopian tube.
Venomous neoplasms of the fallopian tube or uterus. The escape into the uterine gap may be blocked due to the extension of the neoplasm. In some cases, the tumor organize is aggravated at hand increased direction of tubal secretions.
Factors that bourgeon the likelihood of developing sactosalpinx include:

casual erotic contacts, uncritical sex life;
shirk of hindrance contraceptives;
downhearted physical labor.
Symptoms. sactosalpinx
The clinical picture of sactosalpinx depends on the characteristics of the pathological process. The critical set up of the condition is almost never diagnosed. Its property signs are notable bulk temperature and pain in the neck syndrome. The temperature can rise to diverse levels, depending on the disposition of the exudate:

with a serous inflaming development, subfebrile numbers are observed (no more than 38 degrees);
with serous-purulent swelling - in the lot from 38 to 39 degrees;
with a purulent insurgent development -39 degrees and more.
Agony in sharp sactosalpinx occurs in the groin area and is characterized as pulsating. The accustomed requisite of the woman suffers, the sedulous notes malaise, increased weariness, puniness, hurried heartbeat, increased sweating. The severity of clinical symptoms depends on the almost imperceptibly a rather of focus of the inflammation.

Hardened sactosalpinx regularly occurs without any symptoms. Over, the only lexigram that allows a person to put the definitely of the ailment is female infertility. With a meritorious hoard of flowing contents, a missus may notice twinge in the lower abdomen, a hunch of heaviness and distension. In cases where the expansion of the disease is associated with an adhesive approach, the perseverant may feel chronic pelvic headache, which intensifies with hypothermia, busy manifest activity and sexual intercourse. When the rabid process spreads to ovarian tissue, a violation of the menstrual course may be observed.

Treatment methods for the sake sactosalpinx
The choice of treatment tactics is unwavering in each if it happens individually and depends on the clinical phase of sactosalpinx, the effect that provoked the expansion of the pathological process, the formation and square footage of the cystic development, the compliant's age and the lack or presence of reproductive plans.

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