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작성자 Koby Mackenzie
댓글 0건 조회 1회 작성일 25-02-18 13:37


nThis includes teachers who took students on field trips to those sites. He did not even bother to show up for his trial at the Şanlıurfa 2nd High Criminal Court and did not respond to a warrant issued by a judge, who ordered him to appear at the hearing. "I’m telling you to take up your guns and kill them," he said in recorded sermons, adding, "If the sword is not used, then this is not Islam." According to Mullah Muhammed, all Muslims were obligated to respond to then-al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden’s armed fight. This includes teachers who took students on field trips to those sites. The veteran police chiefs who had investigated Tahşiyeciler were dismissed and later jailed on fabricated charges of defaming the al-Qaeda group and its leader. Turkish law enforcement kept tabs on Büyükfırat and was wiretapping his phone when he spoke to indicted al-Qaeda group leader Mullah Muhammed (real name: Mehmet Doğan) about plans and funds transfers

Duruşmanın üçüncü gününde, sanık avukatları baz istasyonu kayıtlarının delil olarak ele alınmasına itiraz ederken, tutuklu sanık Salim Güran'ın aracında bulunan kıl ve DNA izlerine de itiraz ettiler. Mahkeme heyeti, müşteki Arif Güran ve vekili, Diyarbakır Barosu ile Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığının davaya katılma talebinin kabulüne, ağabey Baran Güran'ın müşteki olarak dosyaya eklenmesi talebinin reddine, mahkemeye gönderilen Dara bölgesine (Şehit Jandarma Uzman Onbaşı Bilal Dicle Gözetleme Noktası) ait görüntülerin dosyaya eklenmesine, tutuklu şüpheli R.A'nın tanık olarak dinlenilmesi talebinin kabulüne, Diyarbakır Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığına müzekkere yazılarak dosyada bulunan daraltılmış baz raporunu hazırlayanlardan hangi yöntem ile hangi baz verilerini kullanarak, hangi cihazlar ve hangi kriterlere uyularak, bilimsel tekniklerin neler olduğunu gösterir ve sapma payının olup olmama ihtimalini de belirtir ayrıntılı ek rapor aldırılmasına karar verdi. Savunma avukatları, iddianamedeki en önemli delil olan, sanıkların cinayet günü birlikte olduğunu gösterir baz istasyonu kayıtlarını çürütmeye odaklandı. Sanıklar ve avukatları, duruşmada delilleri çürütmeye odaklandı. Duruşmada 18 yaşından küçük olan tanıklar, adliyedeki Adli Gözlem Odası’nda Ses ve Görüntü Bilişim Sistemi (SEGBİS) ile pedagog eşliğinde ifade verdi. Eren de "Baran'la birlikte Adli Tıp Kurumu'nun önündeydim. Ben de bir babayım. Neyin peşindeyim? Neyin peşindeyim, gerçeklerin peşindeyim. Hayatıma mal olsa da peşini bırakmam asla. O kızın otopsisinde iken 3 gün boyunca kokusu üstümdeydi. Ömür boyu o kokuyu unutmayacağım. Sana teşhis yaptıracaklardı, izin vermedim. Sana bu kötülüğü yapılmasını engellemek için seni içeri almadım o zaman. Çünkü Baran, her gün öpüp kokladığı kız kardeşinin cesedinin kokusu üstüne sinecekti." dedi

nThree children and a woman were inside their house at the time woke up to the shooting. I thought the mass destruction of Armenian monuments in Nakhchivan was a great shame of our nation." Aylisli’s new essay also references a telegram he sent to Azerbaijan’s president in 1997, the year "when that monstrous vandalism had just begun." Aylisili had actually published the text of this telegram in 2011 in a privately released Russian-language book with a circulation of just 50 copies. "After replacing his father in 2003 as president," Yunus told us, "Ilham Aliyev upgraded Armenophobia to the levels of fascist Germany’s anti-Semitism." The final purge of Nakhichevan’s medieval Armenian monuments, according to Yunus, was conceived by Ilham Aliyev to boost his nationalist credentials, while Vasif Talibov happily complied to remain in charge. The breathtakingly ornate stones of the world’s largest medieval Armenian cemetery were no more. Women and children in the village of Khramort were also being evacuated for security reasons, the Artsakh Information Center reported. Three children and a woman were inside their house at the time woke up to the shooting. At the time of the demolition, Azerbaijani historian Ziya Bunyadov downplayed the destruction

nIn 1988, Nagorno-Karabakh sought unification with Soviet Armenia. In the meantime, Büyükfırat managed to escape criminal charges in Turkey thanks to the Erdoğan government’s intervention in the case and continues to operate in both Turkey and Azerbaijan. Büyükfırat was listed as a complainant in the new case launched against the police chiefs who were involved in the investigation of Mullah Muhammed and journalists who wrote critically about the group. History repeated itself four years later when Azerbaijan launched yet another aggressive war against Artsakh. According to the agreement, there would be "an exchange of prisoners of war and other detained persons and bodies of the dead." However, Azerbaijan still illegally holds and abuses many Armenian prisoners of war. His brother Reşit Büyükfırat, deputy chairman of the provincial health commission in Şanlıurfa, was detained. Büyükfırat’s clan has long maintained a relationship with radical preacher Mullah Muhammed, and both Büyükfırat’s father Mehmet and his brother attended Mullah Muhammed’s study circles. In 1988, Nagorno-Karabakh sought unification with Soviet Armenia. According to a letter dated December 3, 2021, by the permanent representative of Armenia to the United Nations addressed to the secretary-general: Dozens of video and photo materials have been circulating in social media illustrating the violent and inhuman treatment of those captured - beheadings or mutilations, killings and other violence towards servicemen and civilians, including the execution by Azerbaijani forces in Hadrut region of the Republic of Artsakh of two captured Armenians. In a wiretap dated May 21, 2009 Büyükfırat informed Mullah Muhammed about new recruits in Azerbaijan and told him Mullah Muhammed‘s first book had been translated into Azeri and would soon be published in Russian

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